Register for Annual Convention:
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Wednesday June 5th
Time | Activity |
6:30 AM | AFCCA Golf Tournament BreakfastSponsored by PBF Casket Manufacturing |
7:00 AM | AFCCA Golf Tournament at the Point Hilton Tapatio Cliffs – Lookout Mountain Course |
12:00 PM | AFCCA Golf Tournament Lunch |
1:00 – 5:00 PM | Suppliers set up at Pointe Hilton Tapatio Cliffs – Display Hall |
1:00 – 5:00 PM | Convention Registration & Hotel check in |
5:30 PM | AFCCA Foundation for Children Poker Tournament Registration |
7:00 PM | Dealing Starts at the Foundation Poker Tournament |
Thursday June 6th
Time | Topic/Activity | CEU Category |
7:00 AM | Breakfast for Attendees | |
8:00 AM | Opening CeremoniesPresentation of President’s Award to Chaplin Katherine Shindel (Retired) | |
8:30 AM | Rudy Thomas, Arizona State BoardJohn K. Mangum, Legislative Issues Update | .5 hr B or C |
9:00 AM | Joe Ducey, KNXV-TV Channel 15:Funeral Investigation through the eyes of the reporter | 1 hr C |
10:00 AM | Break Sponsored by:Visit vendors, Get your C.E.U. cards punched | |
10:30 AM | Ryan Thogmartin, Connecting DirectorsSocial Media & Online Marketing for the Funeral Industry | 1.5 Hr. C |
12:00 PM | Jason Hendricks, Crexendo Inc.Target the 70%: Winning Traffic on Long Tail Search Phrases | 1 Hr. C |
1:00 PM | Lunch Sponsored by:Visit vendors, Get your C.E.U. cards punched | |
2:00 PM | Patrick C. Patton, CFSP; NFDA At Large Representative presenting on NFDA Updates | .5 Hr.B or C |
2:30 PM | Nancy R. Lohman, CCFE, ICCFA President, ICCFA Updates | .5 Hr.B or C |
3:00 PM | Break Sponsored by:Visit vendors, Get your C.E.U. cards punched | |
3:15 PM | Dr. Ahmad Shqeirat: Imam (Minister) of the Islamic Community Center | 1 Hr. C |
4:15 PM | AFCCA Business Meeting: Voting of new board members. Call from the floor. Announcement of new AFCCA board members | 1 Hr.B or C |
5:00 PM | End of C.E.U. portion of day(Get your C.E.U. cards punched) | |
7:00-9:00 PM | Supplier Reception: With auction items and prizes from each Supplier |
Friday June 7th
Time | Topic/Activity | CEU Category |
7:00 AM | Breakfast for Attendees | |
8:00 AM | Steven Schaal: Matthews International – Cremation DivisionThe Funeral Birth of Alkali Hydrolysis | 1 Hr.B or C |
9:00 AM | Dan Cable, EDA Land Planning and Peter Vesecky, Vesecky EngineeringPlanning for the Future: Cemetery Planning and Civil Engineering Considerations | 1 hrC |
10:00 AM | Kurtis Lauffer (Past President) announces new elected AFCCA officers | |
10:05 AM | Break Sponsored by:Visit vendors, Get your C.E.U. cards punched | |
10:30 AM | Judy Lowe: What’s Making the Phones Ring at ADRE/ ADRE Update | 1 Hr.B or C |
11:30 AM | Ken Bennett, Arizona Secretary of StateState Budgeting Shoe Box Presentation | 1 Hr.B or C |
12:30 PM | Lunch Sponsored by:Visit vendors, Get your C.E.U. cards punched | |
1:30 PM | Toni Miller: Arizona State Department of Vitals | .5 Hr.B or C |
2:00 PM | George Owens, S.C.I.: What is the difference between competition and being competitive in the funeral and cemetery business? | 1 Hr.B or C |
3:00 PM | Break Sponsored by:Visit vendors, Get your C.E.U. cards punched | |
3:15 PM | Dr. Johnston: Public Safety and Public Health Through Medicolegal Death Investigation: An Overview of the Office of the Medical Examiner | 3 Hr.A |
5:00 PM | End of C.E.U. portion of day (Get your C.E.U. cards punched) | |
6:30-7:00 PM | Reception at the Different Point of View Lounge | |
7:00-9:00 PM | Dinner and swearing in of officers at the Different Point of View Restaurant |
Available C.E.U credits: A = 3 hours Technical B = 6 hours Legal / Ethical C = 6 hours Professional