Our clean up bill from last year’s legislation, HB2140, has been introduced and will be sponsored by Rep. Hendrix.
Courtney LeVinus joined our January Board of Directors meeting to provide an update. Page 4 of her slide deck shows the key points of cleanup in the bill. The board feels strongly that we do need to keep the state exam as a requirement, even if it’s very basic, standard questions that every licensee should know. We do like the offer from ADHS to provide an ongoing education model that will refresh our members and licensees on statutes and also keep us up to date on changes and new requirements.
Pathway to licensure language has become more clear. The three year requirement will be tied to graduating from an accredited school. Students will then have those three years to complete 25 embalmings and/or meeting with families, and also pass the NBE.
We will be introducing the bill, but know that there most likely will be amendments as we move forward. ADHS and Rep Hendrix agree that we would like for this to be uncontroversial and want to work with the profession as much as possible.
Two bills surrounding Natural Organic Reduction will be introduced. AFCCA will remain neutral on this.